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Personasci FAQs

Why do Most Client Companies use our Assessments?

Most managers use the profiles to help determine which job applicants are best suited for a particular position, and which employees would make the best supervisors, as well as who may need training or coaching to better develop and apply their potential. Research has shown that using the "targeted-profiles" can reduce the employment recommendation failure rate by 2/3rds. There are several specific patterns that virtually guarantee successful placements for specific positions, while other patterns tend to guarantee failure. Therefore, the assessments used must be accurate and reliable. This kind of information can be invaluable for any organization to determine which applicants they want to proceed or go further with, and which ones may be considered not a good fit. Using Personasci "targeted" profile/assessments will improve the retention rate and reduce employee turnover.

Who are our Clients?

Our clients include manufacturing companies, sales organizations, financial service providers & institutions, hospitality services (hotel chains), health care organizations and dental practices, among many others. Our clients also include professional team and individual sports organizations, golf and tennis clubs, as well as several non-profits over the years.

How are Personasci Assessments Administered?

Personasci profiles are taken online using a simple user-friendly interface. Profile takers are provided a confidential username, password and login web page link. Once logged-in, taaking the assessments is as simple as click and drag to answer.

How do we Target Success?

These days, the rules for work engagements are changing – employees are being judged by a new standard – not just by how smart and talented they are, or by their training or expertise, but also by how well they handle themselves and each other. As Daniel Goleman, author of Working with Emotional Intelligence, 1998, says, "the new measure takes for granted having enough intellectual ability and technical know-how to do our jobs; it focuses instead on personal qualities, such as initiative and empathy, adaptability and persuasiveness." This measure has been referred to as "soft skills" in the past, but emotional intelligence is no passing fad. We now have 35 years of empirical studies that tell us precisely just how much emotional intelligence matters for success, especially in management and leadership positions. Although many are still skeptical of "soft skills measurement" in psychology, neuroscience makes crystal clear why emotional intelligence matters so much. The skills necessary for managing ourselves effectively and for being socially adept are grounded in our evolutionary history for survival and adaptation. To quote Goleman again, "Our research reveals deplorable weaknesses in how businesses train people in skills from listening and leadership to team building and handling change. Most training programs have embraced an academic model – but this has been a drastic mistake, wasting millions of hours and billions of dollars. What's needed is an entirely new way of thinking about what it takes to help people boost their emotional intelligence."

What Other Services Does Personasci Offer?

Personasci offers job benchmarking as well as numerous training modules, including problem-solving, team-building, conflict resolution and leadership. More training modules are added on a regular basis, and we always welcome the opportunity to customize a training module for the special needs of our clients. We also conduct various development workshops. Our basic workshop is designed for new managers and/or others who have been exposed to little or no management training. Personasci's unique 12-step approach to management and leadership excellence teaches management skills in an organized, progressive format. Content includes planning, organizing, and controlling areas of responsibility (delegating), leading to an "ideal" where all management tasks and functions are balanced and hitting on all cylinders. The main emphasis is on motivation and development of people.